
Showing posts from October, 2018

Holidays is around the corner...............

It's about the time for me to go back to my hometown...... I miss everything in my hometown........................... After leaving my hometown for 1 month ++...... First time ever I will be going back by airplane alone.......... I hope everything runs smoothly ....on the departure day.............. Home Oh my sweet home............ I am coming back ............soon........ WOOP WOOP WUA WUA............. YO YO YO YO ...... I am going to have a lot of foods..............YES YES YES ! Definitely YES! I am craving for tiramisu...... YO YO YO ! Hahahahahhahahahha XD


昨晚我通宵重看“小资女孩向前冲”。。。。。。 虽然都是加快的在看。。。。。 但真的就是很疗愈。。。。 看了很多遍都不会腻。。。。。 当然,有一部分原因是我真心觉得邱泽(秦子奇)很帅。。。。 嘿嘿,花痴花痴的看。。。 只要看到秦子奇笑。。。。我也会跟着笑。。。 或许我是比较感性的人吧,,,, 往往会很代入戏里面去。。。 就是会在伤心的画面哭。。。 然后我真的很喜欢沈杏仁那乐观又努力的性格。。。 我真的希望自己可以向她学习像她一样坚信自己只要再努力一点就可以成功。。。 好啦,,,, 说到尾。。。。其实我也是想找动力啦。。。 大学生活。。真的挫折一堆。。。。 内心不够强大的我。。。 只能靠看一些励志的戏剧来鼓励自己了。。。。。 当然,我也是很向往沈杏仁和秦子奇这样的爱情的。。。。 能够在人生里面好好谈一次认真的恋爱,然后就认真的对待对方,然后结婚。。。 然后,幸福美满的人生。。。。。 会不会。。。其实现实中根本就不存在像沈杏仁和秦子奇这种类型的爱情啊。。。 算了。。。。。 我主要还是看沈杏仁的乐观,努力,省钱和冲劲的。。。 外加看秦子奇的帅气和可爱的性格。。。。 嘿嘿。。。 当然还有看爱搞怪的史经理咯。。。。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 可是哦,我半夜追戏的时候。。。 Laptop 不懂什么事就是。。。看看下hang机。。。 Hang 了大概两次吧。。。 之后我就用手机看。。。 看到天亮。。。哈哈哈。。。 因为心情郁闷不想睡觉。。。 然后就半夜不睡的追剧。。。 哈哈哈。。。。 后来,看到天亮,我大概0800的时候觉得很累。。。 调了闹钟0930。。。 但是拖拖拉拉。。。就1030时分才起来去梳洗。。。 梳洗后,一边看戏一边吃面包哈哈哈。。。 写意人生。。。。 真的似乎把assignment,test,quiz。。。。都抛之脑后了。。

Get involved in PROJECT at hostel....

First thing i did was .....................fitting the LED bulb into a spotlight holder.... The only tool I used was screw driver......XD The purpose of the spotlights is to make the night road to the food store brighter...... It's some kind of this purpose shown below: What makes this project special is that we used solar have electricity to light up the bulbs. I admit I learned a lot...........I learn the electrical piping measurement ........and there is something call flexible connector other than the well-known L-shape connector and T-shape connector ............ I won't regret that I got involved in this meaningful project. Moreover, I went to join planting project halfway from the electrical project..... Hehe.......Planting project is much more harder and need to devote more energy .... The most thing I did in the Planting project session, I did mix the coco peat and the soil..... One of the mo

Only 1 question can be solved............

I can't imagine there will be a day in my life ................ I can only solve one question for the whole day.......... ................................................ ................................. I think I am .......................... going to be zombie soon................................. ............................................. ............................................. zombie ................. zombie.................... zombie.................... zombie without face emotions............... no face expression............. everyday live a life with insufficient ............hours of sleep............ zombie life.................. zombie life................ zombie ............... zombie .............. zombie ................. Good luck to all of the other zombies in the world.............. =_+

Hardwork does not turn out to have a good result........

I got my quiz result today ...... Out of the total marks, 5% I only get half marks, which means 0.5% of it..... I can't accept myself being so stupid and foolish and unbelievable fool ........ Even though as I said before I can't understand what lecturer is trying to explain...... I really did go study by myself with Youtube videos.....and ask many many many as many friends as I have in university to know about this subject....and how to solve problems....understand it.....accept it as it is.....and Open my heart fully to accept that I really need to study back whatever PHYSICS score well in this semester one..... However..................................... My hardwork is still not enough for me to at lest get 1% out of the 5%...................... The lecturer  comment a little bit here and there about our performance with the quiz in class... I just cannot accept ......If I hear what he said... I just feel like crying...... I tried hard n