
Showing posts from March, 2014


今天,开学天。。。 Anyong ,久违的警卫,依然很精神嘛~ Anyong ,亲爱的 Lemon 先生, 在听什么歌呀?好好奇哦~  ^^ 咦 ?“龙三少”呢? 开学第一天,睡迟了吧? XD 嘻嘻 ~ 没事~我很肯定明天一定会见到你。。。:)  Anyong , 好久不见的 chingu 。。。 依然帅吧?(虽然我没正眼看你~~) 照例的望了我吧? 恩 , 那是你会做的事。。。 不管了。。。 今天,我心情好,精神还不错。。 你呢?很想我吧XP 好吧~到学校了。。。 见到好久不见的朋友们。。。 好想念他们哦~~~ 好吧~。。~ 我看到了,他也很想念他的Ga爱友人们。。。 好吧~我承认。。。我好像吓到他了。。。 算了~我只不过是很正常的经过而已。。。没事。。。 好吧~他一直望。。。。门口。。是因为Katak 先生还没来吧? 恩~大概他也很爱她的先生的。。。 后来,Katak 先生到了。。。 他大概很想念她老公吧? 他大概很想念他老婆吧? 不管迟不迟到都来学校。 只为了见对方一面,秀恩爱~ 好吧~今天,我结论了。。。 无视你+不认识你=最好的解决方案。 不要怀疑,这会是个最好的~!!!

假期中。。。。。。。。XDXDXD。。。 !!!!!!!

假期。。。。。。。。。。。 好好噢。。。。。。。。。 PS:我爱睡多久就多久。。。XP   但是有补习。。。。。。   但是,,,,,, 最近,  我在追看。。。。这部剧,。。。。。 大概会有很多人看过了吧。。  我知道。。 我现在才看。。 有点过时。。。 不过,,,,真的很好看耶!!! 大爱~~~~~~

OMG !!!! I am not ready yet ~~!!

Tomorrow is the day for rehearsal............................. OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my God , I am not ready yet .....................T^T I am still not confident when I am dancing .................... Maybe ............. Maybe I can do well without audience .................... but not with the audience and VIP too ..................T^T Getting nervous and nervous ...................@~@ And I will be exposed to the people I felt scare for more than 3 years .........> < Oh my God !!!!!!!!! They surely will laugh me ............ T^T I scare when they look me like this ...........................  They are so scary ....> <!!!! Moreover, I have disease too............. I have problem on choosing clothes................. T^T ............> <................ I will always choose the conservatism outfits in my cupboard to wear it........(conservatism=保守)

Dancing Singing all along my day

duuu...duuu....duuuuuUUU ...train  XP XP xP Xp   Singing "Don't Stop believing '..... in my hardworking way  .......  However , I have forgot the lyrics..... even the steps ............ someone might say :" What a fool ....little things cannot do well , CTS !"   Dancing like a fool .... Please please please.... Don't laugh me.....> < Thank you .     It was weird when I dance . When I turn , haha........^^


I don't know why my life is so unpeaceful..... I really don't understand why. Should my life gonna be like this forever until I die ? I don't know. We don't know our future...forever....:( Today is a sad day for me.   When I close my eye , I feel very uneasy. I hope that I can jump into the deep sea . I wish to stay in the deep sea. And there are no people there, I will live myself and without sadness and worryness. Even there will be nothing ..... I don't care...... :< I met someone crazy today. I will not wish to met that guy once more. He is crazy , He may have mental problem, or even he is a PERVERT! I hope that I had never met him in my life. I need a hug calm down myself ... I have no confidence now...> < Such a bad emotions///////// I really don't like this ...........   What to do is the best now ? I don't know . Listen to sof