
Showing posts from April, 2021


今天又梦见你了。。 我们在餐桌上遇见了。。 我听到你说我带了一个朋友来不介意吧 然后你们双双入座。。 幸好跟你来的朋友是个男生。。。 我天。。。。 真的多少年了。。 我来数数。。。 真的我老是会梦见你。。。 都喜欢过其他人那么多个了。。。 但是偏偏。。。每次梦到的还是你。。。。 什么情况。。。 而且每次梦到你,我都不想醒来。。。 是在我心底种了树了是吗。。。 2015年。。到现在。。。我天。。。 6年了。。。期间完全没有见过面。。。 还能梦见你。。。 真的是奇迹。。。 难不成你对我下了巫术?? 你过得好吗?。。。 我时不时会想念你哈哈。。。 连脑子都潜意识在梦里跟你见面了。。。 这是爱得多深啊。。 但是你也别误会,毕竟我们没说过话,也没正式认识过。 所以我觉得在我梦里,在我心里的,在我脑海里的都只是我幻想中的你不是真的你。 虽然有着你的躯壳, 但是那都不是你。 连性格和对我说话的语气都是我自己幻想的。 我相信我喜欢的不是你,而是自己幻想出来的男神。 嗯。。。 以后的以后我会重复跟自己说梦里那个不是你, 只是我幻想出来的你。 相信你也在同一个天空下努力的生活吧。。。 未来的事,谁都说不准。 嗯。。。 懂得都懂。 我就不说破了。。哈哈。。 晚安。。

My 3rd year bachelor's degree thoughts

 third year.... I never thought of it before.... I realized I have to read more and more understand the whole image of my course... the lecturers will just tell you the basic ideas... and you yourself have to do the reading part...... first time ever I find myself....hate to read......... why is it so hard........... maybe because no "spoonfeeding" in university .... ya, life only gets harder........... and sometimes I don't mind if they don't spoonfeed us , but I am so mad, they just don't tell whether our answers are right or wrong.... ............................... I even think like this  Is it they themselves also don't know the answer? then, how should we learn then ? Everything google......... ya, we might be more lucky than the older generations university students. Come on..........Why lecturers cannot teach properly ? We pay as usual, and they just simply do their job to get our money... What's wrong with the education now ?? So an...

Silicone-free Shampoo? Good or Bad?

  I did some readings on Silicone Shampoo today. These are my conclusion.   Conclusion If you don’t want to use conditioner, you may use shampoo with silicone. Silicone can help to coat your hair strips and protect the moisture in them. However, silicone accumulated on hair will make you hair easily greasy and weighed down. But if you use silicone-free shampoo, you need to use it with hair conditioning for sure. Because silicone-free shampoo does not do the job for helping your hair smooth. A big trick of the shampoo sellers is they labelled silicone free, paraben free, and sulfate free, but it doesn’t mean they really don’t have these ingredients in their shampoo products. As consumer, we need to check on the ingredients list at the back of the product ourselves. As my experience, I checked on my shampoos in my toilet. I found the shampoo with labelled of silicone-free, do have sulfate contents like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate . Another content needs to be ca...


  洗衣 晒衣 折衣服 分类 叠好 送房间/送进衣柜 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在家读大学网课,每天最喜欢做的事情就是无脑做家务。 做功课,读书,用脑都太累了。。 可是,只做家务,靠别人养自己是不可能的。 照片都很好看, 我就不选了, 都放。 嗯。 还是要回去读书, 明天有test... 希望顺利。 谢谢大家。 下次见。 💓